kaan architecten b30 office the hague the netherlands
2017-04-27 13:24
Dutch practice KAAN Architecten has transformed The Hague’s Grade I-listed Bezuidenhoutseweg 30 (B30) into an office building for five organisations, with a publically accessible ground floor. Photography: Karin Borghouts
卡恩建筑(Kaan Architecture Ten)秉持透明和灵活的当代工作价值观,重新设计海牙一级上市的Bezuidenhoutseweg 30(B30)的工作场所,这座建筑已经从一座历史纪念碑转变为一个功能强大的工作空间,供五个不同的办公室使用。
最初建于1917,并由当时的首席政府建筑师Daniel EC Knuttel设计的,新的古典主义建筑的B30部建筑反映了紧缩的时间和严格的层次结构的政府部门。后来在1994,它被翻新,并部分拆除,建筑师Hans Ruijssenaars。
在保护B30的历史方面,Kaan利用了这栋建筑的许多原始特征,同时将大部分设计更新为直观、不那么分层的设计。“我们修复了原建筑的很大一部分,并增加了一层四层,达到了建筑的最初高度。”新设计的主要部分是重新安排20世纪的办公空间,按照同样的网格增加新的办公室,“该项目的首席合伙人迪基·西皮奥(Dikkie Scipio)说。此外,用户还要求小会议室和专门的会议室,以便在大楼的三个不同区域堆放在多层楼中。”
这是在一楼,在那里,重新设计的概念理想展开。在这里,新建筑反映了办公室和客户(中央政府房地产管理局)所表达的协作、互动和辩论的工作方式,为员工和公众开辟了不同的空间,包括餐厅、图书馆、会议室、沉陷的礼堂和一家咖啡厅,这座咖啡厅通向花园,门上镶着高光的铝质框架门。一座光线充足的公共中庭,由荷兰艺术家罗布·比尔扎(Rob Birza)专门设计的地板马赛克(Rob Birza)位于建筑物的核心位置,位于一系列几何光轴下,与最初的围护天花板形成回声。
The architects achieve a fine balance between restoration and modernisation throughout the project. Photography: Sebastian van Damme
A light-filled public atrium, with a specially commissioned floor mosaic by Dutch artist Rob Birza, is positioned at the core of the building beneath a series of geometric light shafts that echo the original coffered ceilings. Photography: Karin Borghouts
Interior materials include Israeli limestone and American oak, with additions of highly polished anodised aluminium to window frames and fixtures.
The building encompasses the offices of the independent planning bureaus (CPB, SCP, PBL), the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) and the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).
B30 is located on a historic route linking the the Huis ten Bosch palace and the Dutch Parliament, Het Binnenhof
The offices were replanned and redesigned to meet modern working needs
Arched corridors create sightlines through the building increasing openess and reducing the strict hierarchy of the previous design. Photography: Sebastian van Damme
A detail of the site-specific mosaic design for the central atrium by artist Rob Birza. Photography: Karin Borghouts
‘We restored the original stairwell where the monumental staircase is housed, the top floor wooden beam roof structure of the back and front sides, and the magnificent Minister's Room,’ says Dikkie Scipio, lead partner on the project
The Minister's Room was restored and updated with a lighting installation by Jan Pauwels
keywords:Office architecture
卡安建筑秉持透明和灵活的当代工作价值,重新设计海牙一级上市的Bezuidenhoutseweg 30(B30),它已从一座历史纪念碑转变为一座功能强大的建筑.