som public safety answering center II new york usa
2017-05-24 11:30
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP’s (SOM) latest project is New York's 911 emergency response unit, PSAC II, located in the Bronx. Photography: Albert Vecerka | Esto
立方体建筑是由一个动态的锯齿形的再生铝制成的。在一个著名的九英亩的土地上,它获得了它的野蛮主义美学,因为客户的具体要求,为其所有员工的高级别隐私。SOM的设计伙伴Gary Haney解释说:“PSAC II体现了纽约致力于让居民和游客免受伤害的承诺。”“我们的建筑设计推动了一个工作场所,它不仅安全可靠,而且对用户也很有帮助,对环境也有可持续性。”
PSAC II有一个残暴的铝制外墙。
PSAC II还将为纽约的911系统引入一个重要的安全层,因为它将成为纽约市主要呼叫中心的关键备份,每年365天24/7待命。即使面临自然灾害和大规模紧急情况的威胁,这个高度安全的中心也将能够继续运作。
一种平静的环境展现在员工的内心深处,让员工相信psac II的员工即使在履行他们的高压力职责时也会保持关心和平静。建筑的主要聚集空间以创新的植物墙为特色,在室内引入了一种受欢迎的绿色元素,同时也有助于过滤空气,减少建筑的整体能源消耗。
The building brings together emergency response workers from multiple city agencies, such as the police and fire departments as well as emergency medical services
The serrated façade is made of recycled aluminium
The structure is surrounded by a sculptural berm of wild grass, which wraps around the site’s periphery
The interior is intended to make employees feel calm and secure during their high stress work day
A plant wall inside adds to the calming environment, designed by the Center for Architecture Science & Ecology (CASE)—the design research laboratory of SOM in collaboration with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
keywords:American architecture, SOM