hotel boca chica acapulco
2010-04-08 12:04
The Hotel Boca Chica has opened in Acapulco, Mexico. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
阿卡普尔科近年来没有得到过最好的口碑。这个度假胜地曾经是华丽和迷人的避风港,20世纪50年代的鼎盛时期似乎只是遥远的记忆。这是在Grupo Haba-这两家酒店的老板在2008年宣布对老式的Acapulco露头酒店-Boca Chica酒店进行重大改革之前。这座住宅本月重新开放,现为墨西哥建筑师费尔南多·罗梅罗(Fernando Romero)所有。罗梅罗曾是雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)的一名门生,他以敏锐的现代风格将原酒店的旧世界魅力结合在一起。由弗里达·埃斯科贝多(Frida Escobedo)和若泽·罗哈斯(JoséRojas)领导的一个设计团队把这30间客房的苍白绿色和低调色调结合起来,辅之以少量老式家具、原始格子砖和水磨石地板-而酒店的六套房都有室外起居室和私人花园。这家餐厅由寿司大厨原田(Keisuke Harada)领导-来自纽约邦德街(Bond St.)的按摩室,还有美味的可可洗脸迪斯科(Coco Wash Diso),博卡奇卡(Boca Chica)标志着它回归了闪闪发光的Acapulco标准。更重要的是,墨西哥艺术家佩德罗·雷耶斯(PedroReyes)设计了一个一次性的装置,以配合这个开放的地方-一个漂浮的岛屿,它将在酒店前面的海洋中浮出水面。这种甜甜圈形状的空心白色结构是为了模仿海洋中的鱼排而建造的,防晒霜前的沐浴者使用这种结构来捕捉光线。雷耶斯把这个岛描述为一个“未知的漂浮物体”,岛上有一个内部水池和一个几何形状的窗户,这些窗户会把光线投射在里面。
Inspired by the 1950s original, the Boca Chica has been returned to its former glory. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
Arrival to the Boca Chica is by way of water taxis. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The chi-chi 1950s-inspired interior was thought up by a design team including Frida Escobedo and José Rojas. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The hotel's interior combines the old world charm of the original with a sharpened sense of contemporary style. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
Pale greens and understated shades can be found throughout. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The Boca Chica's 30 guestrooms are complemented by vintage furnishings, original lattice brick work and terrazzo floors. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The large amoeba-shaped pool overlooks the hotel's private cove. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The hotel comes complete with 1,000 sq m of spa, and open air terraces. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The open air bar features a plantation of concrete and wood umbrellas. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The pool and restaurant boast views across to the Roqueta Island - a nature reserve in Acapulco. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
The outside areas also feature poolside massage cabanas and the Coco Wash disco. Photo by Undine Pröhl, courtesy of Hotel Boca Chica.
Mexican artist Pedro Reyes has designed a 'Floating Island' in conjunction with the opening of the hotel.
Designed to emulate 50s-style sunbathing rafts, the doughnut-shaped structure features an interior pool.
Featuring a latticework of geometric portholes, the floating island protects bathers from harmful UV rays, while creating an attractive, dappled lighting effect.
阿卡普尔科近年来没有得到过最好的口碑。这个度假胜地曾经是华丽和迷人的避风港,20世纪50年代的鼎盛时期似乎只是遥远的记忆。直到Grupo Haba-迪里托·卡蒂亚和雅达·蒙特雷酒店的老板-宣布.