1981年 ,史南桥在台北创立高能公司(高迪前身),为台湾所有大型房地产公司提供设计为主的服务。 In 1981, Shih ***-Ciao studio was established in Taiwan and had worked with most of the major Taiwanese developers. 1992年起,陆续在国内开始商业项目的运作。 In 1992, Mr. Shih started working on commercial projects in China. 1998年,在上海设立分公司。 In 1998, Mr. Shih opened Shanghai office. 2001年,将总公司迁至上海,名为高迪建筑设计工程有限公司。高迪于空间处理、风格把握、技巧运用等方面的能力,在业界获得了充分的肯定并于十数年间完成了数千楼盘个案。 In 2001, he moved the headquarter to Shanghai and renamed it Goodlinks. The firm specializes in space defining, style choosing and detail construction. Since then Mr. Shih had participated in several thousand projects and his works became recognizable. 2005年起,公司开始推动垂直与水平方向的整合。经由十数年的努力,公司业务已拓展至土地规划、产品定位、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计、软装设计的系列性操作,设计内容也从样板房、售楼处、会所扩展至商场、酒店、休闲、娱乐等不同业态。整个团队已可从更高的视野,更开阔的角度,更深入地照顾业主的需求,全面性地完成房地产公司所托付的个案。 In 2005, the firm started extending the design service to planning, architecture, landscape, interior and interior decoration. The project type expended from residential to commercial, hospitality and entertainment. The team provide complete services to the Chinese developers. 2013年起,公司将业务扩展至美属塞班、加州以及马来西亚,公司的国际化已然踏上征程。 In 2013, Goodlinks started working on international projects, from Saipan, Malaysia to California. 2015年,史南桥先生延续之前为电视台所拍摄的系列节目《梦想改造家》,继续为个人及公司建立更高的知名度。 In 2015, Mr. Shih was invited to participate in a famous Chinese TV show, Dream Home. Since then he became even more famous and well-known.